Friday, January 12, 2007

the capenter and the market

"i cant make it sir," says the emotional carpenter. "it is better you buy it from the ready made shop. There is a beautiful chair with great curves and "mirror polish" . the entire set sells for about rs 25,000 and a single one you need should be around Rs 5000. I doubt if i can even make it for double the price," he explains misty eyed.

I am looking for a comfortable chair as i spend my a lot of my time in front of computer.

Shops importing low priced furniture have sprung up all over the country. They bring in stuff made in china in a mechanised environment with wood from malaysia or indonesia.
"I cant understand their rates. just the lowest priced wood needed - neem - costs more than their finished product. then there is polish, metals fittings and labour charges," says the young `worker of wood' who has postponed his decision to start a furniture shop after identifying the place.

as the winds of free market blow across the country - some sail faster while others have to buffet the flow. and we have to do whats best for us with the hope that it is best for everyone.

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