Monday, December 4, 2006

Tasting anti-dumping duty medicine

Being a victim often offers better perspective. FE reports:
Shrimp exporters have questioned the very relevance of the anti-dumping duty imposed by the US in the wake of latest reports of payouts of around $100 million by the US government to its domestic shrimp industry.

A major part of the payouts under the Byrd law of distributing revenues from dumping duties collected, exporters said quoting US reports, will go to a select few big firms, making the whole issue of dumping a farce.

According to analysis, around 60% of the money would go to 20 top seafood firms, they said. This would mean that a large section of the industry there would have very little benefit from the whole exercise of imposition of anti-dumping duty to ‘protect’ the domestic industry.

Of course, India leads the world in using anti-dumping measures.

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